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Physics IA Criteria and Checklist
Feeling the pressure of the approaching Physics IA deadline? Let us help you align your investigation with the assessment criteria. With extensive experience revising countless essays, we’ve compiled key recommendations to help you succeed. This guide covers the new Science IA syllabus effective from the May 2025 exam session.
The Physics Internal Assessment (IA), worth 20% of the final score, is graded out of 24 points. The assessment consists of the following criteria:
Criterion A: Research Design (6 points)
Key Components:
1. Research Question: Identify the topic and describe a relevant, fully focused research question. Ensure it states the dependent and independent variables or two correlated variables and briefly describes the system in which the research question is embedded.
2. Background Information: Provide background theory directly relevant to the research question to show your understanding of the context of the investigation.
3. Methodology: Choose an appropriate methodology, explain and justify your choice, and list the apparatus. Describe consecutive steps to conduct your research,
ensuring the methodology is precise and detailed enough for replication.
4. Safety, Ethical, or Environmental Issues: Demonstrate awareness of any safety, ethical, or environmental issues in your report.
For Maximum Points:
•Explain the selection of methods for measuring variables.
•If using a large-scale activity, treat it as a database investigation, focusing on data filtering and sampling.
•Discuss the scope, quantity, and quality of measurements (range, interval, frequency, repetition, precision).
•Identify control variables and explain their control methods and reasons.
•Avoid unnecessary or repetitive information.
Criterion B: Data Analysis (6 points)
Key Components:
1. Raw Data: Include sufficient raw data to support your arguments.
2. Data Processing: Process the data accurately, considering measurement uncertainties. Look for trends, patterns, and anomalies.
3. Interpretation: Interpret the processed data to form valid conclusions.
For Maximum Points:
•Clearly and precisely communicate how the data was recorded and processed, including all steps.
•Use appropriate annotations for graphs, tables, and figures, with correct units, decimal places, and significant figures.
•Consider uncertainties appropriately.
•Ensure no major inaccuracies, omissions, or inconsistencies.
•Ensure data processing is relevant, appropriate, and accurate.
Criterion C: Conclusion (6 points)
Key Components:
1. Conclusion: Formulate a conclusion that answers your research question based on the findings and scientific context.
2. Evaluation of Data: Critically evaluate the data, using experimental values.
3. Comparison with Literature: Compare your experimental values with literature results.
For Maximum Points:
•Ensure the conclusion is relevant to the research question and consistent with the data analysis.
•Support and justify the conclusion with data analysis results.
•Include a relevant comparison to accepted scientific literature, providing detailed citations.
•Interpret processed data, including associated uncertainties.
Criterion D: Evaluation (6 points)
Key Components:
1. Strengths and Weaknesses: Evaluate the strong and weak aspects of your investigation.
2. Improvements: Propose realistic improvements to your methodology and suggest possible extensions of your study.
For Maximum Points:
•Discuss relevant strengths of the report and investigation.
•Identify specific methodological weaknesses or limitations and explain their impacts.
•Propose realistic improvements relevant to identified weaknesses or limitations and explain them.
Other Requirements
•Structure and Word Limit: Maintain a clear structure and keep within the 3000-word limit.
•State the title of the investigation at the start of the report.
•Provide the IB candidate code at the beginning of the document.
•State the word count at the start of the work.
•Justify the text in the document and center all text and data in tables’ cells.
•Number all pages.
➢Topic identified and research question stated with variables.
➢Background information provided and relevant.
➢Methodology chosen, explained, and justified.
➢Apparatus listed and detailed procedural steps described.
➢Safety, ethical, or environmental issues addressed.
➢Sufficient raw data included.
➢Accurate data processing with consideration of uncertainties.
➢Trends, patterns, and anomalies identified and interpreted.
➢Conclusion relevant to the research question and consistent with data.
➢Comparison with literature included and detailed citations provided.
➢Evaluation of strengths and weaknesses conducted.
➢Realistic improvements proposed and explained.
➢Clear structure maintained and within 3000-word limit.
➢Title, IB candidate code, word count, text justification, and page numbering all correctly formatted.
➢Use this comprehensive guide and checklist to ensure your Physics IA meets the highest standards. Good luck!.
For Any help email to Arman Bajaj – iaeetok@gmail.com or whatsapp on +91 7021216730